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Seasoned Grace Release Party

Seasoned Grace by Melissa Wardwell: Release Party!

You know we love a good party. That means the Independence Islands authors are back with another round of parties, games, blog posts, and giveaways! I know, that last bit is your favorite. I don’t blame you. It’s mine too.

For Seasoned Grace we’re talking about God’s grace shining through some of nature’s toughest moments. I had to think on this one for a minute.

When I was five years old, we lived in a small brick house near a bluff. I love that house. Loved it then and love it now. But when bad weather came through, we usually found somewhere else to be. Especially if the weatherman said there was a risk for tornadoes.

It wasn’t unusual for Mom to wake us in the middle of the night and off we’d go to Granny’s house. This particular night felt like any other, but I bundled up and rode over to Granny’s and promptly fell back asleep. I remember waking to a roar sometime early in the morning. It passed so quickly I ignored the sound.

When Mom took us home later in the day, imagine my surprise when we pull into the driveway and there are trees down on every side of our house. Each one was resting parallel to the house. And I don’t mean there were four trees in the front yard all laying the same way. I mean EVERY side. The trees were lined up perfectly and not a single limb touched our house. It was a vortex of God’s protection and grace and showed His mighty ability to control what appears uncontrollable.


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Check in on the other blogs to enter their giveaways and read their stories of God’s grace.

Melissa, August 31

Kari, September 1

Rachel, September 2

Tabitha, September 3

Carolyn, September 4

Chautona, September 5

Sandy, September 6

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